on writing.

12:57 PM
writing, writing, writing.
This has been my life lately.
Next month, Camp NaNoWriMo begins.  In case you don't know, NaNoWriMo is when you write 50,000 words in November.  Camp NaNoWriMo, however, is in April and July this year, and you get to choose how your word count goal for the month.
So I've decided on doing April's Camp NaNoWriMo...

this will be fun.

So I participated in NaNo last year's November, but I didn't outline my story beforehand, so I finished all 50,000 words, but I wrote myself into a corner that I couldn't find a way out of.  
This time around, I've learned my lesson.
This time, I'm outlining my novel.
I recently had a great idea and I've been spending every day thinking about possible plot twists and character developments, sub-plots and the ending,  
The ending is what's causing me all of the trouble.
The ending to a novel is the most important part, in my opinion.  You have to leave your reader with an ending that ties up nearly everything and surprises the reader and leaves them feeling complete (if it's a standalone) or wanting more (if it's a series).
That's just my point of view on things.

I am so excited for Camp NaNoWriMo!
If you're participating in April, you should comment! :)

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I suggest you visit
NaNoWriMo's website -  http://nanowrimo.org
Camp NaNoWriMo's website - http://campnanowrimo.org

Thanks for listening to my rant, I appreciate it. :]

About the author

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